Graphene for Antiviral Applications

Upon successful construction of the next production facility, Atom Threads will have enough quantity to create PPE from pure Graphene fibers and begin testing the antiviral properties associated with Graphene Fiber; this could be groundbreaking in the fight against Covid-19 and other airborne viruses, and much more.

What is Atom Threads doing now?

Graphene Oxide (GO) is one of the most common formats used to suspend Graphene particles in a liquid state and is readily available for purchase; however, not all GO is the same, and GO is not comparable to pure Graphene Fiber (Atom Threads product). However, coating fabrics and PPE with the proper GO, GO concentration, and utilizing specific application techniques; this can yield significant and promising results. Atom Threads knows, because they tested it.

Why Talk about Graphene Oxide (GO) when your main focus is Graphene Fiber?

In order for Atom Threads team to understand Graphene and its unique properties, it is crucial to understand all variations of isolated Graphene particles; this includes GO. Atom Threads’ scientist discovered variances in GO, and how to curate, and test high quality vs low quality GO.

Considering the global need to fight Covid-19, Atom Threads’ focused on immediate solutions and prioritized testing the antibacterial mechanisms of GO. Considering the versatile GO-bio-molecule interaction, Atom Threads postulates that properly coated GO materials could potentially serve as a novel and promising candidate for virus prevention through synergistic, electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions. The results that were found utilizing Atom Threads’ GO formula and precise application technique could have a tremendous impact on the fight against Covid-19.

Please contact Atom Threads for more details regarding the results of Atom Threads study of GO coated fabrics.